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Why your personal brand is your biggest asset.

Your brain is wired to look at what is broken and wrong. It's called negativity bias. The human brain looks at everything and anything that may pose a threat to you. It surveys your environment and picks up on any potential red flags....

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What will you decide?

So much has changed in a few short months. With many businesses re-opening, it's decision time.  Many yearn to go back to the way it was, when things were normal. But how normal were they?  And is this the normal you want to go back to?...

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The Unintentional Impact of Your Stress

  I was working on a big project. It was a brand new workshop I was hired to create and was knee deep in research. My goal was to deliver an off the charts, transformational and exceeding expectations presentation for my clients....

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Lost and Found

Eight years ago I took a test. It was a personality test that changed everything. Up till this point I had spent two decades in financial services and was at a cross roads in my career.  I wasn't satisfied in my work, it was no longer...

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Two Words Can Change Everything

Can two words change everything? They did for Steve Jobs and Apple. Think Different. It's more than a slogan or a tagline. It's more than their brand, or any marketing strategy and advertising campaign. It defined who they were and the...

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Don’t Pivot – Deepen.

Today we are faced with more questions than answers. Where will you get your next clients? Will your company hit revenue goals? Will there be a job for you to go to? What will you be doing? How will your job or business change as a...

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Your Brilliant Difference

Get 100% clear on your unique talents, skills and expertise. Use your personal strengths to help grow your business.

Finka has presented and delivered programs to:

Finka Jerkovic | keynotes speaker + workshop leader

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